Riccardo Cassin (1909-2009)
August 6thといえば、【弓折分岐で迷った】日
Riccardo Cassin has passed away on August 6th,
2009. He has left us
to climb up his last pitch to reach the Top of the Highest and most
Beautiful Mountain.
This is the last snapshot that we want to imagine
to figure out the departure of a unique person and one of the greatest
mountaineer ever existed.
It is hard to commemorate in few words such a
person, to remember and explain the energy and the fascination he
transmitted each time one met him.
The energy he had was like the fuel
of and for a man driven by out of ordinary spirit and motivations.
charism was the one you feel and breath by meeting somebody who has
written and dictated an important part of the history of alpinism.
Riccardo would have never behaved like a distant star, on the contrary
he always had a word for everybody who met and especially for the young
generations, which he never stopped to encourage to find their ways in
a world which seems to be sparing of values and dreams.
Riccardo has passed away on August 6th, a remarkable and meaningful
date: on another 6th August, 71 years ago, Riccardo reached the top of
the Grandes Jorasses, from its north face, for an ascent which would
have marked the history and evolution of alpinism for ever.
Riccardo has climbed up the last pitch but he has left us an amazing
heritage of values, dreams, ascents which will continue to drive us as
his rope still is tied up with ours.
Ciao Riccardo !